M. Scott Hamilton
Sculptor ⋅ Designer
Dark Enemy
- Dark Enemy
Materials . . .
Hazel wood / Elk & Deer antler / Deer & Cow hide / Bone / Assorted beads / Sinew
Dimensions . . .
Height: 6 ft. – 8 1/2 in. Width: 7 in.
The essence of Dark Enemy . . .
My inspiration originates with North American Native culture and their concept of “Counting Coup” on their enemies. To count coup is to show skill and bravery in the heat of battle, where great risk is taken to get close enough to strike a blow with the head of a spear or stick without killing your enemy. To do so without being harmed proves your superiority over that enemy while inflicting great humiliation on them in the process.
But instead of doing battle with a living, breathing enemy . . . I’ve turned the focus inward to the demons we as individuals struggle with in our lives. From the simple habits we find hard to break to truly monumental and disturbing disorders . . . challenges that stop our lives in their tracks and cripple our ability to cope with the world.
In creating Dark Enemy I try to recognize our trials and tribulations often take us into dark places that require courage and effort to return from. So it’s my purpose to provide a symbol that speaks to the discipline, determination and tenacity we all need to drive our demons out into the light. My hope is that all who consider this sculpture see it as it’s intended . . . a symbolic reminder of all the demons we’ve overcome; all that it took to defeat them; and our commitment to give them hell if they return.